Nilton Volpato
2007-10-22 19:49:57 UTC
Hi Jan-Åke,
I was trying to use depth/height options with dvipng. I thought that
its output should follow this idea.
## |
# |
#### ### | height
# # # # |
# # # # |
### #### |
# | depth
### |
However the results does not seem to match this model. Look at this example:
\noindent \rule[-0.5cm]{2cm}{2cm} foobar
$ latex dvipng_test.tex
Output written on dvipng_test.dvi (1 page, 228 bytes).
Transcript written on dvipng_test.log.
$ dvipng --height --depth dvipng_test.dvi
This is dvipng 1.9 Copyright 2002-2006 Jan-Ake Larsson
[1 depth=74 height=5]
$ identify dvipng_test1.png
dvipng_test1.png PNG 122x79 122x79+0+0 PseudoClass 15c 8-bit 358b
The output image is 79 pixels high, so, because of
\rule[-0.5cm]{2cm}{2cm}, the depth reported by dvipng should be 79/4
~= 20 and the height should be 3*79/4 ~= 59. But dvipng output doesn't
make sense, except that depth+height=79.
Is dvipng wrong? Is it reporting depth/height following another model?
Or something else?
-- Nilton
I was trying to use depth/height options with dvipng. I thought that
its output should follow this idea.
## |
# |
#### ### | height
# # # # |
# # # # |
### #### |
# | depth
### |
However the results does not seem to match this model. Look at this example:
\noindent \rule[-0.5cm]{2cm}{2cm} foobar
$ latex dvipng_test.tex
Output written on dvipng_test.dvi (1 page, 228 bytes).
Transcript written on dvipng_test.log.
$ dvipng --height --depth dvipng_test.dvi
This is dvipng 1.9 Copyright 2002-2006 Jan-Ake Larsson
[1 depth=74 height=5]
$ identify dvipng_test1.png
dvipng_test1.png PNG 122x79 122x79+0+0 PseudoClass 15c 8-bit 358b
The output image is 79 pixels high, so, because of
\rule[-0.5cm]{2cm}{2cm}, the depth reported by dvipng should be 79/4
~= 20 and the height should be 3*79/4 ~= 59. But dvipng output doesn't
make sense, except that depth+height=79.
Is dvipng wrong? Is it reporting depth/height following another model?
Or something else?
-- Nilton